Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Seriously? Wow... Rude!

Those (look up ^^) are the words that keep popping up in my head... Before I go into anymore detail, this post is probably TMI and completely inappropriate but I don't care! I haven't ever had anything quite like this happen to me before! So why not blog about it, right? :) Anyway, with that warning out of the way... let's begin! 

We have been having a HORRENDOUS bug problem in our little basement apartment. After bugging (no pun intended) our landlords 4 times, they finally told the people upstairs that they were in charge of spraying. Over the weekend, the Mom (that's what we're going to call her) came down and asked us if Tuesday would work. Nick would be home so it was perfect

She came over and sprayed, as planned, and when she got to our bedroom I had forgotten to put away something that is slightly inappropriate to be out in the open. It's what's called a "Sex Deck" and has flash cards of all sorts of positions. (Don't you dare judge!) I had it in front of our ipod dock, blocking the light (at night time) from my eyes so I could sleep. When Nick noticed that it was out and not "hidden", he quickly grabbed it and slid it under the pillows on the bed. I believe she noticed his quick response and when Nick went into the other room for a few seconds to grab a swiffer duster, she must have taken this "Sex Deck". 

We have searched our apartment high and low, and are coming up short... There isn't a place that we haven't checked where it MIGHT be. So my friends and I have come up with some solutions to this problem. Any comment giving your opinion of what we should do would be helpful. :) 

Option 1: Confront her on her way to her car, and ask her about it. 
Option 2: Buy the exact same "Sex Deck", wrap it up, and leave it *anonymously* on her porch with a nice little note that says, "Can we have ours back now?"
Option 3: Pretend it never happened, and buy another...
Option 4: Tell the landlords....?

What would you do in this situation?


  1. It didn't fall behind the bed when he slipped it under the pillow or end up somewhere else in the bed? I would ask her about it when you see her outside! :)

  2. AH! That's scary! We seriously looked EVERYWHERE and have told our Landlords. :P
